This Policy is for Staff, Volunteers and Members of the National Society ...
A handbook for supporting disaster-prone communities with food security and livelihoods activities. This handbook describes 12 activities that Red Cross and Red Crescent (RCRC) volunteers can e...
This manual is designed to assist researchers in conducting their research in hazardous, remote or complex environments as safely and securely as possible, both for those working within their home cou...
(Español) Este manual está diseñado para ayudar a los investigadores a llevar a cabo sus investigaciones en entornos peligrosos, remotos o complejos, garantizando al mismo tiempo la máxima segurid...
The first Virtual Red Cross Pre-Hurricane Conference 2020 took place the week of May 25, 2020, with the slogan “A Year like No Other” hinted at the COVID-19 and focused on exploring togeth...
This Toolkit aims to support sustainable and peer learning approaches in the operationalization of the IFRC YES by National Societies. As part of the Toolkit, the National Society Youth Engagement Sel...
This guide was produced by the Americas Region. ...
(Español) Esta guia realizada por la Oficina Regional para América de la Federacion Internacional de la Cruz Roja ayuda a todos las Sociendades Nacionales y sus voluntarios a protegerse contra el CO...
(Español) El propósito de la presente Política es orientar el servicio voluntario en la Cruz Roja Hondureña. De esta manera, propone fomentar una visión unificada sobre la naturaleza, participaci...
Here is The Bahamas Red Cross Volunteering Policy! ...
Belize Red Cross Society Newsletter Issue 2 ...
(Español) Estrategia de Desarrollo de Voluntariado 2016-2021. ...
(Español) O Departamento Nacional de Juventude (DNJ) é a porta de entrada dos jovens ao voluntariado da Cruz Vermelha, um espaço não somente para realização de ações humanitárias, como també...
(Español) Con el fin de impulsar la aplicación del “Marco y principios para el fomento del desarrollo de Sociedades Nacionales sólidas” que se aprobó en el XVIII periodo de sesiones de la Asam...
En 1862, Recuerdo de Solferino aparecía en Ginebra. “Aparecía” es mucho decir: la tirada de pocos ejemplares de este pequeño libro llevaba la mención “no está en venta”. Estaba destinado ...
In 1862, Memory of Solferino appeared in Geneva. “Appeared” is a lot to say: the circulation of few copies of this little book was marked “not for sale.” It was intended only f...